Monday, July 29, 2013

Stuffed toast

Lately I've been seeing a bunch of pictures on Instagram of French toast, stuffed French toast, banana bread, cinnamon bread...mmmm. Where was I? Toast! I finally caved in and got some bread, and after a failed attempt at French toast this morning I settled on stuffed toast. It's not French but its still delicious, and takes a whole 3 minutes to make. 

-2 slices Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread 
-1/8 cup frozen blueberries
-1/8 cup frozen strawberries 
-1/8 cup coconut milk
-Maple syrup

1. Put bread in toaster. 
2. Blend berries and coconut milk in vitamix.
3. Top a slice of toast with 3/4 of blended fruit and maple syrup. Top second slice with remaining blended fruit, maple syrup, and frozen berries. 

Get it in your mouth!


  1. Hi Jenya! I love french toast and also nice seeing you on the blog, too! <3 Rika

    1. Love your blog Rika! You were definitely one of my inspirations for starting mine.
